Sunday, July 27, 2008

Musical Therapy And Autism - Music, The Mind And Autism - By Sylvia Rolfe

Musical therapy for autism is a new treatment possibility for autistic patients, that should not be overlooked when considering available options. Autistic children who receive musical therapy often show great improvement in temperament and learning skills. Music connects to the non-verbal part of our brains, making it a perfect therapy for disorders in which the patient has trouble communicating, such as autism. Great advances are made into improving brain functions and musical therapy is one of them. Research this innovative treatment method if you are looking for help with autism and haven't had much luck in the past.

One way that musical therapy helps the autistic child, as well as older autistic patients, is by helping with the development of speech skills. Music is a way to connect the verbal and non-verbal functions in the brain. Autistic individuals regularly have various forms of speech problems. Some can only hum, grunt or growl, or make other non-word noises, while others babble nonsensical phrases or cries. Still others gain the capability to put together phrases and sentences to communicate with the world, although these usually lack emotion. Autistic people are known for monotone voices. However, no matter how skilled the individual is with speech, he or she can participate in musical therapy by clapping rhythms, humming along, or doing simple echoing songs.

By using musical therapy for autism along with other therapies you may see great improvments in the autistic child. Trained professionals can use music to teach children and others how to communicate in nonverbal ways, making it easier for patients to learn. Research the musical therapy option to provide you or your child with another choice when treating autism.

To learn more about musical therapy and autism do yourself a favor and click here now!

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Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Teaching Autism - How To Teach The Autistic Child - by silvia Rolfe

Teaching can be a challenging job with any child, but when the child suffers from special needs it can be even more difficult. Understanding how they learn and the methods that work best for them is key of course, but as every child learns differently so does every autistic child so this is just a general guideline to help you teach the autistic child.

By being educated on what autism is and how to effectively teach the autistic child you are taking the first step in creating a more warm and welcoming world for your autistic child. Those with autism tend to learn best from visual examples. Therefore, standing in front of the class lecturing, loses the autistic child. Verbal communication is very limited for many autistic children, as is their understanding of verbal teachings. Including diagrams, flash cards and visual representation can make it much easier for them to comprehend what you are saying. Long sentences easily confuse and lose them, so try to avoid them in your teaching methods.

A child with autism often has a visual fixation, by discussing with the parents what this is you may be able to incorporate this into the lessons and keep their attention better. If they are obsessed with apples, it is much easier for them to learn math is you are using apples to show how to add and subtract for example. With a little adjustment and creative thought you can not only help you r autistic student learn better but you may find your other students taking more interest in your lessons as well.

Teaching an autistic student, need not be a daunting task. With creativity and a working communication with the parents you may find easy solutions to make a learning environment for all.

To help your student cope with teaching and autism make sure you click here!

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